Monday, August 31, 2009


Hi guys,

As I mentioned today in class, your homework for tomorrow is the exercise of Tense Review. Answer it and check what your major problems are.

Also, remember that you had to write a biography for today, if you didn't give it to me today, you can still do it tomorrow or on Thursday. Of course, it won't count the same as if you had delivered it on time, but it's better that you hand it in.

For Thursday, you have to watch the video of Steve Jobs, it is under the heading of videos. Watch it and post your opinion about it under this message; read other people's posts and exchange opinions with one another!

Have a great day and see you tomorrow!!


  1. Hello everybody,

    About the video I think it's quite interesting because it's the kind of things that my dad use to say, but this is real, ahmmm, I think al of us should do exactly what we love to do and follow our heart aaaaaaaa <3<3<3 :P and success by doing it.

    seee you...

  2. I think the life experiences that Steve has very interesting, because if you stop to think what you're doing is really what you want or what you like.

    It is also interesting that he makes his speech because the boys are entering a new stage in his life and no doubt these tips can help take a decision about what they will do.

    Even though this is a good lesson for any persson.

  3. First of all, thanks Viviana for put this kind of videos; I like it at all because it talks about story which it happened in a real life.

    I found on him a very interesting and strong person, a person to admire. And all the things he says on this speech are good for all the University students because the teaching is don’t give up ever and love what you do; if you do this you can have a pleasant and happy life.

    I had read about Steve life, also I had read about Steve’s products, I read about him because of my career.

    Belén, I think the same of you, we should do exactly what we love to do because nobody know what is going to happen tomorrow

  4. It is good video. His life is very interesting, but the topics that I think it´s more important for me and my carrer is the topics about Mac and Pixar. He is a genius for create mac, and more creative for create Pixar when he was fired from mac and it was amazing that he recovered his company.

    He is right abou life, love and death. You can lose your hope, but you don´t have to belive that all are alredy lost.

    This was an excelent exercise, watch real videos.

  5. Teacher Viviana: Thank you (again) for leave us this kind of homework.

    I was reading the other comments and it´s so interesting how we understand a specific topic. It depends how we look it, depends of our experience life, our family and our mayor of course.
    I´m in Social Sciences area and I saw this video (well, actually the speech) as an amazing recommendation about following that we really want, it´s inspiring and motivating.
    I’ve worked with old people and most of times they are more adventurer that any other young or adult person, because they have nothing to lose and in some cases, the death it´s an inspiration for them.
    We should learn from Steve Jobs and the old people.

  6. It's amazing, all the things that we can do when we have the motivation, and even more when we are in love with what we do. Just as Steve Jobs said, after all, we only have to beleive in ourselves; that's the only way to succes. By the way i've heard a lot of interesting things about windows and their tricks to succeed, so pity!! well greetings!!!

  7. Well I knew it about his life, but his speech it´s very emotional, of course, microsof is a pirate sistem, but I am accustomed to use it... Sorry!!!

    Well te 2005 generation who listened to him these day they wre afortunate... Bil gate is rich.. but Job is the genuis from the informatic and business.Without him and his comnplete confidence on Pixar's animanaitors, his ideas doesn't exist today.

    Thanks for God that he can win a battle to cancer illness.

  8. This is a proof that do my future a great experience is a reality all depend you.

    In conclusion for me this video try of give us only a message: Get a vision of your future, find a dream and make it your, all is posible.

    thanks Steve Jobs

  9. I think that this video make us remember that the american dream is a possible, but it's possible in U.S. and maybe in many developed countries, but what happenes when a person has a dream, and he or she is hungry and he or she wants to be better, but his o her situation is so bad that this can't be.
    Of course it's good to have dreams, to be hungry, to wanna be better, but it's not enough and sometimes it doesn't depend on us.

  10. Really I think that this video is very interesting but over all it can change our mentality. I confirmed that every decision that I´ve token during my life have been the best and that the future depends of each person becouse everybody decide where want to wake up tomoroow...

    I don´t agree with Jorge becouse I think that everything is possible is only that you really want to do it and do it.

  11. Hi!!!

    after to see the video, I've tried to analyze all the idealism, all the strong, all the passion that make a happy life. I share many things with him but I would like stress the last phrase "stay hungry and stay flush" I'm sure that many people in the group and me feel the same, I'm hungry to knowledge, happyness and success. so, is strange, but thanks for this homework I really enjoy it

  12. Hi,

    Every day we saw stories of succes, hpe, hapiness, etc. on media, anda every day wwe expect one of them being true.
    So, wen we finally find one, it make us think about the meaning of this human expetations. May be we desea have the strenght to be like that pearsons, have the same perseverance and to be able overcome ostacles,in order to be happy, but best than before.
    That is what this video make me thing, besides, it could be sais easier in a specch than inthe real life.

  13. hEllo. This video, i think is very interesting because point us the importance of the dreams for do our lifes, the most wonderful artwork . If we love some activite, we will do it in any circumstances.Maybe it´s difficult or very utopic but whit work, we can do it.

    On the other hand, i agree whit jorge, because sometimes our lives have variants that it isn´t depend us.

    See you!.

  14. I think that Steve´s speech has many important ideas to think. For example, He talked about human condition, in particular, dreams and love to create a reality. This thought always inspire to make things.

  15. Hi Viviana...
    Steve Job is an example to me because he was a poor man y after he was fired. Despite all he has been successful becuase he started a new company named Pixar. Yet when he was sick of cancer.

    We can always start something...

  16. Sorry teacher, but I´ve troubles with how postinga mya comment...
    Well, I think is to admire the strength of his heart. I mean, it wouldn´t be easy to know that your mother gave you in adoption and then that your parents in list really want a girl and lead you behind. And as he suggested, I think we have to follow our heart intuition, we have to use all the opportunities that life gave us… To don´t be afraid of being a beginner and love everything what we do and do it with love.
    We have to stop wasting time paying attention to bad things people say or in dogmas, cause that´s the result of other peoples thoughts, the most important thing we´ve to do is have courage of follow our heart intuition and truly believe in what we want to become… everything is secondary. And as in his last story, we should live every day of our life as it´s the last one

  17. Hi! it´s not too late for leaving the comment. is it? :S. (oh! i can make tag questions). I think this guy, Steve Jobs, is a winner. His live has not been really easy but hi had know how to face the bad things. The three advices he gives are really important in live. But those also teachs us that even if you´r not following social convencions like going to college u can be a succesfull person if u want it and making ur best.

  18. Hi!!
    I think that steve's life is a example because it is very difficult to get succes without to have a professional training. He show that it is posible to make truly your dreams if you work each day. He is a winner, he was no lucky, he work for it.

  19. Hi guys,
    After reading all your comments, I'm glad to see that you enjoyed the video and that you learnt something from it. I'd have to say, that this has been a bigger lesson for you and of course for me. English can easily be learnt, but life, is a very hard subject to master; but as you commented, if we love what we do and stay positive, we'll succeed.

    Peace and love!! :)
