Friday, August 21, 2009

Homework for Monday 24

Hi guys,

Sorry for not having posted the homework yesterday but I had some urgent matters at my job.

The homework for next Monday is the following:

Go to a link I posted under reading comprehension, is called Recession, read the article and infer the meaning of the following words and phrases:

1. cold feet
2. ditching
3. dumped
4. deals
5. forgo
6. purchases
7. escalated
8. handling charge

Post your answers under this message. Don't use a dictionary! Analize the sentence where the word or phrase is presented and try to get the meaning on your own.

See you on Monday in the lab and have a great weekend!!


  1. hi!! i just finished with the article, and i think the meaning of the words/phrases are the following:

    1.-cold feet: think twice about any situation.
    ditching: when you don't want something you leave.
    2.- dumped: to get rid of an article.
    3.-deals: to make an agreement.
    4.-forgo: renounce/decline to something.
    5.-purchases: the acquisition of and object in exchange of money.
    6.-escalated: upgrade the attribute of a person, thing, etc.
    7.-handling change: when a person hit the limit of his/her money (in a credit card)

    well nice to see you, bye!!

  2. 1.-cold feet: to get freeze/shocked about a situation
    ditching:select very carefully your items
    2.- dumped: leave an item
    3.-deals: prices
    4.-forgo: leave an item
    5.-purchases:to buy.
    6.-escalated: to increase
    7.-handling change: expenses of shipment "gastos de envío"

    See you tomorrow

  3. cold feet: when you get nervous for something and you change your mind
    ditching: to leave something
    dumped: to throw away
    deals: bargains
    forgo: relinquish
    purchases: something that you buy
    escalated: increased
    handling charge: an extra charge that you have to pay when you order something online or by phone

  4. 1. cold feet.- it's when a person think twice about a situation, in this case it's about buying an item.
    2. ditching.- it's when a person leaves an item that he wanted to buy or he changes his idea about buying something.
    3. dumped.- it's when you leave an item that it's supposed you want to buy.
    4. deals.- in this case better deals means to get better prices o to get a better situation to buy something.
    5. forgo.- you forget what's left and you leave it.
    6. purchases.- when you buy something what you buy is a purchase.
    7. escalated.- increasing.
    8. handling charge.- an extra charge in this case i think it's about shipping.

  5. Hi! This is a great way to learn more. This is my homework.

    1.- cold feet - Stay in a place (and think twice) before to concrete or finish any action, in this case a purchase.
    2.- ditching - To take and look something but don´t take away it.
    3.- dumped - To abandon or leave a product.
    4.- deals - An offert.
    5.- forgo - Do not buy items, to leave the wares.
    6.- purchases - A shopping.
    7.- scalated - To increase
    8.- handling charge - An extra amount.

  6. I think these are the ansewers:
    1-cold feet-don´t decide something.
    2-ditching-take something, buy something.
    3-dumped-leave something.
    4-deals-a problem.
    5-forgo-leave something that you forget.
    6-purchahes-buy something.
    7-escalated-grow up.
    8-handling charge-a transference of money in your count.

  7. 1. cold feet.- think twice about something
    2. ditching.-to select, to take something.
    3. dumped.-to leave something.
    4. deaks.- a treatment.
    5. forgo.- something you forget, leave or renounce.
    6. purchases.-something you acquired.
    7. escalated.-upgraded.
    8. handling charge.- an extra charge in your bill

  8. Hi guys!
    I've read your answers and most of you are correct in every word; however, I'm not going to give the right answers this moment, because there are still a lot of people missing on doing the exercise.

    Thanks to the ones that did it on time!!

    See you tomorrow,


  9. David Zarza Araiza

    1. cold feet.- cold mind or cold head, trying to think twice before pay for something.
    2. ditching.-leave something, to abandon.
    3. dumped.-to throw off something.
    4. deals.- a treatment.
    5. forgo.- to omit, to leave something.
    6. purchases.- to buy, to obtain.
    7. escalated.-to raise, put away
    8. handling charge.- to pay without guilt, pay with generosity

  10. 1. cold feet.- think really what are doign
    2. ditching.- remove an article
    3. dumped.- to discard anythig
    4. deals.- best oferts and less prices
    5. forgo.- to forget
    6. purchases.- exceed an estimated that we did.
    7. escalated.- decrease the numbers of online buyers.
    8. handling charge.- price for maintenance an account.

  11. 1. cold feet.- arrepentirse ?
    2. Ditching.- Descartar
    3. Dumped.- Dejar/descartar
    4. Deals.- Buscar mejores ofertas/tratos/oportunidades ?
    5. Forgo.- Dejar/ irse sin
    6. Purchases.- Compras
    7. Escalated.-Aumentar/Aumentado
    8. handling charge.- Manejo de crédito /cargos extras

  12. Answers:
    0 cold feet: when u stop and think carefully about something that u have decided.
    1 ditching: like getting or buying.
    2 dumped: when u left something cuz u dont want it.
    3 deals: when someone offers u something and u have to do or give something instead.
    4 forgo: mmm to remember? :s
    5 purchases: description of a sell, and how u r gonna pay it.
    6 escalate: to go up.
    7 handling charge: extra charge for shipping

  13. cold feet: think twice about something
    ditching: leave
    cumped: leave
    forgo: forget
    purchases: buy
    escalated: increase
    handling charge: extra charge

  14. Hi!

    Here is the homework a little bit late, sorry :)

    1. cold feet: is like think twice about something or in this case concentrate about what can they buy?
    2. ditching: leaving something
    3. dumped: leaving something
    4. deals: is like a commond accord. sales
    5. forgo: leave something
    6. purchases: shopping
    7. escalated: increasing
    8. handling charge: extra charges

  15. cold feet:think twice about something
    ditching: Leaving
    deals: offer
    purchase: adquire
    escalated: increased
    handing charge: extra charge
    cumped: stoped
    forgo: not to do

  16. 1. cold feet: think carefully what is going to do.
    2. Ditching: try to find several alternatives to something
    3. Dumped: is when you take your leave or something
    4. Deals: when there are promotions in which prices of some products are reduced
    5. Forgo: stop what you already don´t get to pay
    6. Purchases: when you buy something
    7. Escalated: increase
    8. handling charge: extra charge for a service

  17. I think the meanings of these words are:
    1. Cold feet. It is related to have good sense and, in this case, leaving the issues that are not necessary.
    2. Ditching. To get and keep a thing.
    3. Dumped. I think it is similar to leave.
    4. Deals. This is the kind of things you can buy in special offer.
    5. Forgo. Maybe it is the same as forget (the unnecessary stuff).
    6. Purchases could be the transactions, the buying proces.
    7. Escalated. Like the domino effect, every bussiness is breaking.
    8. Handling charge. This is the famous comission of the bank where you have your credit card and take this money for paying the services.

  18. 1. cold feet: reconsider, note
    2. ditching:choose something
    3. dumped: abandoned, accumulating
    4. deals: options
    5. forgo: abandoned, leave there
    6. purchases: account for buy somethig
    7. escalated: increasing, raising
    8. handling charge: is a comission that you have to pay for services

  19. Hi!!!
    I was forgetting the homework but I remembered it a few minutes ago, I'm really sorry.

    1. cold feet: I think that it is like feel fear to something, in this case of the recession. It's contrary to brave.
    2. Ditching: I thinks it's refers to how many cost something.
    3. Dumped: Is like devolution of something.
    4. Deals: I think it's synonymous of offer.
    5. Forgo: it's like when you are looking for some specifics things.
    6. Purchases: It's like a credit.
    7. Escalated: synonymous to increased.
    8. Handling charge: it's money that you pay to have a credit card, for somebody drive your count.

    See U tomorrow!!!

  20. Hullo!!!, sorry for the delay, I just had a problem with mi computer :(, but now it's alright, see u tomorrow!!! :P :D :P

    **cold feet: be very impressed/think twice about something.
    **ditching: leaving something
    **dumped: leaving things that you have taken before.
    **deals: treat, offer.
    **forgo: forget
    **purchases: action of buying.
    **escalated: increased, incremented something.
    **handling charge: a charge for a concept of bringing articles to your home.

  21. I think that the meanig of this words are:

    1) cold feet: with out money, to go bankrupt
    2) ditching: open a count
    3) dumped: spent a lot of money
    4) deals: to agreement
    5) forgo: to forget something important
    6) purchase: to rise
    7) escalated: to increase
    8) handling charge: is a little spent(commsion) that you have to do when you have count

  22. 1.cold feet They prefer pay before
    2.ditching When you forget something
    3.dumped as turn off
    4. deals special bussiness
    5. forgo forget something
    6. purchases to pay for
    7. escalated when the things raise handling change to pay out problems of your capital
    8. handling charge.- to pay without guilt, pay with generosity

  23. Hi

    I agree if this don´t count to my grade. But I thank is good do it however :)

    1- Do somenthing in a slowly way.
    2- Order to buy something.
    3- Dumping? However, I don´t have any idea.
    4- Options
    5- to abandon
    6- the act of pay money to obtain something
    7- to increase
    8- a quantity of money that a store demand for paking the items that you buy

  24. For today!
    1. Cold feet: to take decisions with more doubts
    2. ditching: leave something
    3. dumped: to put something in a special deposit
    4. deals: to put in order for to buy better things
    5. forgo: not to accept
    6. purchases:to buy things
    7. scalated: to develop
    8. handing charge: no problem, for to have extra charge

  25. Hi
    For Yesterday... sorry But my answers is here:

    1 Cold Feet = Thinking to do or not do it
    2 Ditching = To choose something
    3 Dumped = Close the sales
    4 Deals = Asking price
    5 Forgo = To forget
    6 Purchases = Shopping
    7 Escaleted = Increase
    8 Handling Charge = Aditional money fee

  26. Hi Viviana: I am sending my comment
    I´am glad because I stay here. I stay here because I want learn a little more of the English Languaje.

    Thank you very much
