Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Homework for Monday 14

Hi guys,

Today we commented in class a question about the things foreigners would find most difficult to get used to if they lived in Mexico; we know that there are many cultural differences with people from other countries. We can say that Mexicans are more relaxed than other people; for instance, Americans may be pickier (less tolerant) in certain things that we just don't care about.

I have posted an article called 10-office-faux-pas, about the annoying things people do at their offices. Read it and give your opinion about it. Do you think the annoying habits mentioned there are exaggerated? Would you tolerate all of them or none of them? Which one do you find most annoying if any?

Post your comments under this post.

Also, you have to watch a Discovery Channel commercial (is called Boom De Ya Da and it is under the section of videos) and write the lyrics of the song. Today we also listened to the song Where Is the Love and to continue with this romantic feeling, I decided to post this video about loving our planet. I hope you enjoy it!!

See you on Monday!


  1. The behave in an affice deppends on what kind of work is made there. Of course, there are general rules that cover the must of the offices.

    I`m not sure about an especific exaggerated conduct, because it is related with the pearson who affects. But, if I have to chose one, it could be the ring tones one. Every one have the music that liked, the tastes are varied, for that we need a depp sense of respect to the others and its preferences.

    It doesn't matter and absolutly ignirance of annoy things, being that there are a lot of intolerables behave(at least for me. For examples: clip nails in office, because the higyene is a private item, also, you have thingd to do at there instead to be losing time.

    Appart of that I'll tolerate, as posibble as I can, all the others. Thinking better, I wont be happy of steal food.

  2. it's important to maintain a good relationship within the employees, who nows? maybe someday you might need help of one of those. Annoying things could be fixed just talking with your job-partners.
    i belive that those annoying habits are not exaggerated, the important is to express ourselves in order to reach a nice enviroment in any job.
    to me the most annoying habit is the ring tone

  3. I liked it! this article made me laugh but also reminded me some disgusting things that for sure I don´t stand.
    About the questions I think that some of them are exaggerated at least a little bit, for example the ringtones, I understand that some times is annoying but only when people don´t answer right away, because having one song that likes you in your cell, come on! nowadays is a form to show your personality.
    About tolerate all of them, for me no way, actually are some of them I considered more than annoying, DISGUSTING!!! like Go Barefoot or Give Yourself a Mani/Pedi I consider that this things you do at home or you go somewhere in order to someone else do it for you, but you don´t do it in the office, personally I´ve watched this in the subway and I almost throw up.
    About the rest I think that it depends of the people education and the rules that exist in the office, because I suppose there are rules, about the microwave, the way that you have to do your work, (smile faces, how old is she??? 7…) about respecting the privacy and be conscious that you´re not alone and you have to share this space with another 10 person, are there not exist this kind of rules? (I never worked in an office before).
    Sorry I enjoyed giving my opinion about this.

  4. I like the article because it sounds like their are talking about "the office" and I like that sitcom. the h¿things that they write in this list sounds possible but I don´t think that they are anoying at all, but the mus anoying thing , I think, that is...When someone steal your food, what kind of people they are jaja if they want to taste just say it jaja.

  5. When there are many informal rules in the office it’s difficult to do activities in that framework. In particular when that rules are very specific (for example, about your ring tone). Meanwhile, I think that everybody can to make agreement to have good relations in the office. May be, that isn’t easy but it’s possible. The article show ten stories as example to avoid a potential-layoff, but the important is to identify the best form to continue with our job, and, may be, we shouldn’t need to accept all advice.

  6. The ten behavior can umderstand it but I would try avoid it, in de office.

  7. When I finished reading the article, in a first moment I thought that the annoying habits were a joke or things that never happen, but then, I imagined myself in a situation like that and I thought “If I steal my coworkers´ food, I could be dismiss”. But to steal is a terrible action on the other hand, to have Jonas Brothers ringtone or smiley faces in the PC or listening wear music are not annoying to me. However walk barefoot, cut your hands or feet nails and microwave fish could be disgusting for others (sometimes the no written society rules are more upset than the written rules).
    But try to be the new BFF sometimes is an humiliating, crawled even suspect act.

  8. The article is very funy in some cases, but in another way some of the rules are exagereted but also there are real. The ring tone is common to have one in your cellphone,it was funy when you read it, but some people don´t like the ring tones. I think it depens of the people that you work, or the type of work and acctitud that have your company.

  9. I just consider these things like some advices to not bother your coworkers. For example, some people find annoying the smell of a dish, but I don't think you can lose your job only becuase you took fish or indian food for lunch.

    I think these points are important if you live in the US, but in Mexico there are other things I consider more important: punctuality and doing your best at job.

  10. I think it is very interesting and fun article to read, it also reflects in some ways the mentality of Americans, it also shows some actidudesy actions that are not pleasant at work and can serve in the future.

    Nothing but beware of falling into excess.

  11. Hello!!! this article is very funny, sometimes i think that people should be more responsable for do personal things in their jobs. The topics in the article could be help us to don´t forget single but important things about how to be in the job. Bye people!!!

  12. 10 Office Faux Pas:
    this is a guide about "how to behave in an office", you can choose to be a disaster or to be a flat and put in a uniform person.
    It was a fun article, I enjoyed reading it, it is simply but interesting. I remember a story about my girlfriend, when she worked in a store, her mom send to her lunch fish and she had to cook it in the microwave and when she cooked her fish it was a really disaster. I asked her why she did that, and she answer me that she did not think it would be like that actually, she really didn’t think any she really didn’t think anything about it, she just put her container in the micro and when the smell start, she was afraid because all the store smell like a fish. I am sure that she would like read this article before.

    Boom de ya da!
    It is a great comercial, it talks about the extension of the Discovery Merchandise-Porduction-Knowledge. that extension is the whole world: Races, history, photographies, occupations, theories, adventure, high technology, nature, experiments, disasters, culture, entertainment, shows and other kind of distractions.
    well done for discovery.

  13. I think the most annoyng it´s the one of the thief´s food, then the one who read in loud, and finally the one who listen music with out headphones. There are others exaggerated, but it doesn´t even matter what do you think because if they are your coworkers you have to learn how tolerate them.

  14. I think that it's a good guide to know how to behave in an office, although I believe some of them are exaggerated such as clippling nails or reading emails loud, but the point is that it's a guide because it's not only about what we think it's about what most of people think and maybe for us it's not so annoying but for others it's. I think I can tolerate most of them but music so loud I think it's really annoying.

  15. Hi everybody:

    I think these tips are important but I guess that there are many important things in a office, I enjoy reading it because these are typical things in the most common jobs. I think that the most important things in the office are comunication and tolenancy. see U tomorrow

  16. Hi! Where there is a line is a word that i didn't understand.

    Never guess all
    It can ______ you wanna
    Breaking the sun

    I love the mountains
    I love the clear blue sky
    I love the bridges
    I love my great whale ____
    I love the whole world
    I love the science and sounds

    Boom de ya da!
    Boom de ya da!
    Boom de ya da!
    Boom de ya da!
    Boom de ya da!

    I love the oceans
    I love the dirty things
    I love the gunfast
    I love the _______
    I love the whole world
    I love descriptiones

    Boom de ya da!
    Boom de ya da!
    Boom de ya da!
    Boom de ya da!
    Boom de ya da!

    I love the tornados
    I love the aracnides
    I love the magma
    I love the giant squeeze
    I love the whole world
    It's a _____ briliant place

    Boom de ya da!
    Boom de ya da!
    Boom de ya da!
    Boom de ya da!
    Boom de ya da!
    Boom de ya da!
    Boom de ya da!
    Boom de ya da!
    Boom de ya da!
    Boom de ya da!
    Boom de ya da!


  17. Hy teacher,

    I think those situations aren´t so exagerated. Well, I agree with some of them, for example the "nails in the desk" Diuuuuu!!!!, or if someone took my lunch I would get angry. But I´ve to admit that they´re also funny as the one of the smiley.
    I suppose all of these isn´t only part of work life... we would find annoying persons everywhere!!! So what we only have to do is stay calm and count until 10 (well, if you need more numbers, you can).

  18. Hi teacher

    I like the article because is funy in some cases.I agree with some of them, but in other cases don´t, I belive that one should be tolerant with other people and try to do the best each one for carry a good relationship betweeen partners in the job.

  19. Hi teacher:

    In my experience, I think that some of these cases that was described by the article are reals and somethimes this things annoying at other person. Of course, some tips are goods. Nevertheless, I think that to be tolerant and respec the spaces are the best way to keep a good relationship with the co-workers. Finally, i think that the article is funy¡¡¡¡

  20. I think some of this advices are about things which can not let to be annoying like a strong smells or sounds, but others are related whit cultural criteria and can taken in a different way, I refer particularity to the smiley face and Jonas Brothers cases (but the type of ringtone is one thing and the volume of its use is other), personally I consider there are people that have more beautiful preferences but I consider too that differences are not only related whit will, it is question of knowledge, sensitivity and opportunities, this is not fast to change and it is bad force it to change.
