Monday, September 21, 2009

Talk given by Isabel Allende

Hi guys,
I was checking my email and found this video that was sent to me. It is a speech given by Chilean writer Isabel Allende. I can say that after listening to it, I felt grateful for the life I have, for the "freedom" many women in Mexico can enjoy; however, it got me thinking that what women in Mexico and in the world have achieved is still far from what they deserve. I felt a bit frustrated and anxious for not being able to help women around the globe who are right now being exploited, slaved and in great pain.

Watch the video, and tell me what we can do to change this situation or if it is just a dream that we may never see come true. Tell me what you think about the content of the speech, if you agree or not with what she says.

On the other hand, try to relax and enjoy the speech, it is a bit long (more than 17 minutes) but it is funny and easy to follow. Also, I want you to see how this Spanish speaker woman, can give a perfectly understandable speech in English; she has some accent, but that does not impede communication. Why do I want you to notice this? Because many times we are worried about our accent, about not being able to produce like a native speaker; but that's not important anymore, you have to worry about creating comprehensible speech, not perfect native English accent.

Post your opinions for next Monday 28 under this comment and boys: this is not a message just for men to wake them up and do something about the world's problems, men are not the only responsible ones for the change in the world, we all are, or not??? what do you think??

Have a great day and see you tomorrow.

P.S. Don't use the Spanish subtitles!!!!! If you need subtitles, use the English ones!! Remember this is great practice for you, don't waste it!


  1. Well, I can imagine that every single women in the world, that not live in that position, at the end of the video can feel grateful for what she had.
    I think that those are only two examples for what many women in the world has to lived, but also think that we are responsible for that, and for we I mean for the way that we have done this world, what I´m trying to say is we formed the rules for the world, because before us didn´t exist this kind of treatment, we formed through the centuries, it is the way that we decided to live.
    Yes, women who support feminism are a good example to follow, but in the world that we lived is so much difficult, because the people who owns or thinks that owns the world, thinks that giving some money for institutions is the solution, but they didn´t realize that the problem still existing and they rather look in another way.
    I mean, this problems are thanks our society, the way that we have been educated through the years is not a problem that can not be solved with a speech, or saying who´s the bad guy, it needs a big change in our society, I´m not saying that is impossible, it is hard to do it, but everything is possible, I have a friend that told me “we suffer, because we wanted, we do our own problems” so we have the answer in our hands, but definitely it´s gonna take time, make people change his or her mind.

  2. I´m agree with you Viviana, I think that the world can be better for women and this change only will be possible if each one of us take the responsabilite on our hands. By one hand the Governments have to insure the life of women, to guarantee their human rigths, in Mexico for example in some states when a girl or woman had been raped the rapist is not guilty if he married to her!.
    By the other hand each one of us, since our places, have to do all that is in our hands by the women's rights. For example I think that is important today that the people to declare againts the constitutional reforms that guarantee the life since the fertilization and not the women's rigth to decide over her body and her life.

  3. It´s incredible that in the XXI century there are cases of women and we said Isabel Allende, but it is worse than many of us ignore or simply do nothing to change this situation.

    I think it´s up to all start doing something that helps women living in degrading conditions can know beyond the violence and fear, and can have a decent life filled with happiness.

  4. It's cruel and horrible but it's a reality in our "modern world". While everyday it's said that we live in a with equality, severals women suffer problems like Isabel describe.
    I'm think that the way to change is the education that we will give to the next generation, it's a problem from our culture.

  5. I think that the world is comanded for the womans since the starts of the humanity and if we want to change the world she have the mayority responsabillty in her hands this because she was our creators and we (men a women) have our character based in our mother.

    I think that the women are the most important in this world. Women have a big challenge whit the humanity not not only for having children
    if not herself for have an acctitute to change the world like Isabel Allende.

  6. I think that the world is comanded for the womans since the starts of the humanity and if we want to change the world she have the mayority responsabillty in her hands this because she was our creators and we (men a women) have our character based in our mother.

    I think that the women are the most important in this world. Women have a big challenge whit the humanity not not only for having children
    if not herself for have an acctitute to change the world like Isabel Allende.

  7. I think that the world is comanded for the womans since the starts of the humanity and if we want to change the world she have the mayority responsabillty in her hands this because she was our creators and we (men a women) have our character based in our mother.

    I think that the women are the most important in this world. Women have a big challenge whit the humanity not not only for having children
    if not herself for have an acctitute to change the world like Isabel Allende.

  8. Historicaly exist a divition between women an men, it can be in a lot of spaces, economical, political, social, etc. But in the last centurie we have witnessed the dissapareance of that old borders. The humankind has registered its pass on the time for millennia. In that have been always a part of the society who is excluded, because this is a reafirmation of the own identiti.
    The women have not been the single group, for that we cannot said that just they have probles and devastation. Besides they cannot be the base of a whole social change. For that reason I find feminism not out of fashion, but in a state where cannot give all the answer, even for woman. We need to think in a solution together, it cannot be in just a art of the humankind

  9. When Isabel Allende was telling them (the audience) the women histories I visualized those images in my head and I felt angry, fear, hate, wrath, indignation, shame, sadness… so many feelings were inside of me.
    My major really try to take part, to involve in social problems like poverty, prostitution, drug addiction, public security, health security, environmental problems and especially with vulnerable groups like old people, women, children who live in streets, indigenous, persons in indigent quality, etc. But this is the biggest problem: try to do an equitable world. That economic, employment and study opportunities were the same for all, as well as access to health and policy.
    Unfortunately in our country not only we have to fight versus social problems, we need to face to corruption and excessive bureaucracy.
    I´m going to tell you a Rigoberta Menchu´s history. One time she was in London to give a conference, while she walked on street a women told her if would like to work as a housekeeper, the only Rigoberta Menchu did was tell her that she was there for other job. But can you imagine? The discrimination is not only a gender thing, it´s for your social condition, your clothes, your language even your religion.
    For example, in our country a woman who is indigenous and professes another religion, she is five times discriminated: for her woman condition, for her language, for her social and economic condition and some time she could be isolated for her community if she doesn’t believe in the same gods.
    The people who work in social science most be recognized because (we) are critic, analyst, thoughtful but especially suggestive (proposing).

  10. i do belive that this world is ruled by both women and men, unfortunately some people don't think the same. freedom it's a right and a gift that no one can't take it away from us. the solution to that problem it's up to everyone and if we think it twice that dream will come true!!!

  11. Well, I think this world can be better and the problem is not beliving in that, probably most of the people think so, the problem is what we do to achieve it. We need people with pasionate hearts, but I believe is not just a question of women or about women's situation, because of course there are many women that live in poor conditions, but I didn't like when Allende says that the mess of this world is because of men, sometimes the problem is that we aren't responsable of what we do and of course men have a responsability, but also women and sometimes is better not to talk about that because is better solving problems. I think there are three kinds of men, ones who believe that it doesn't matter if they work or not because they believe that the world will be better (optimists), ones who believe that it doesn't matter how hard they work because they believe the world will be worst (pessimist), and finally ones who don't know if the world will be better or not, but they work hard and passionetly to build a better future, and I think I wanna be one of the last kind of people.

  12. This video was very interesting. I think that all the women need to know about the freedom but in some places is very impossible to obtain because there are no communications neither education, in fact in our society exist this and is very sad. I used to think that it can’t happen to someone near me but I watched a very bad experience of a friend. I tried to help her but she ran away from me and I never saw her again.
    I think this education begin in our houses with our family also I think this kind of problems lies in our self-esteem
    Maybe we can’t do anything to save the women who live in other countries but maybe we can do something with the girls who lives here in Mexico, maybe not with those who lives in villages or maybe we can, but sure we can start whit those who are near us, we can help battered women.

  13. I think this is a very good video, I was worry about my accent, I thought the people do not understand me, but when I saw the video I feel better because I understood all Isabel’s speech.

    About the speech I think the way she conduced it was terrific, she make a lot of jokes, some of them I did not understand but I think is a very good tool to make the audience pay attention.

    The topic is very controversial and she makes it light, she takes away the entire bad critic we can make about the feminism, she is proud about her condition as feminism and make me feel a proof respect of her. She said few tales about women condition and when I heard the end I was surprised about her capacity to get amazing about these stories.
    I heard some worst ends, and maybe I lose the capacity of get surprised I do not like this and when I heard the video I make conciousness about the magnitude of the situation. Is too sad hear all this stories day by day and do not make anything to fix it. I like the courage of Isabel and the way she share her feelings, makes you reanalyze you owns feelings.

  14. I think that all that Isabel is truth, now at day to many men make de women less, i don't know why? perhaps they could feel powerful, but that's no real power, they only take advantage of the situation that all this year the men had made, but that's not the way i would be, because men and also women try to make a progress in our world, so all of us have the same possibilities and skills, so we should try to treat the women with equality.
    Also the women shouldn't give up when they think that nothing could change, that the oportunities are only for men, that's wrong, so the women should keep trying to show, to the men that don't think like that, that they have the same skill and power.

  15. Hi guys, I really enjoyed this video because it was not the clasic feministic video, where the people say women are victims, here is more like a equal things for everybody, just for live in a good world, I share many thinkings with her and I´d like that more people think a bit in this way, see U in a few hours, jajajaja

  16. Hi everybody,i really think that many of the problems que Isabel describe are true but the world has been changed. Before the women can´t give her points of view because the men didn´t allow her. They belive that the woman shouldn´t have the knowlege that was only for men. Now the women are the part most important of ours society but until there are many woman that suffer the abuse of men. I belive that the equality between women and men it´s almost yet to reached but we should work very hard to this happend. The solution is in work togheter and do many changes in our country. Begins with the education and avoid the corruption.

  17. Hi everybody, sorry for posting this lately but I couldn't do this before, however, I think that what Isabel talks about is very interesting because it is not a classical feminism speech, I think it has very strong fundaments about womens bad treatment and injstice all around the world and I think it really gives us something to talks about but more than anything reflect about all that passionated hearts that keeps a lot of people go on...

  18. Like the writer she is, I think Isabel Allende is being a dreamer. I mean, what can I do for the people from Africa? Just pray. In the other hand,to change this situation in Mexico, we have to start in our families taking the machismo away. But, what happens with the girls from "the Sierra" that come to the city to ask for money in the streets or subway? Of course the goverment has to do something to solve the problem. Well this is a hard topic to talk about...

  19. By the way, this reminds me the John Lennon's song "Imagine"
