Monday, August 31, 2009


Hi guys,

As I mentioned today in class, your homework for tomorrow is the exercise of Tense Review. Answer it and check what your major problems are.

Also, remember that you had to write a biography for today, if you didn't give it to me today, you can still do it tomorrow or on Thursday. Of course, it won't count the same as if you had delivered it on time, but it's better that you hand it in.

For Thursday, you have to watch the video of Steve Jobs, it is under the heading of videos. Watch it and post your opinion about it under this message; read other people's posts and exchange opinions with one another!

Have a great day and see you tomorrow!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Homework for Monday 24

Hi guys,

Sorry for not having posted the homework yesterday but I had some urgent matters at my job.

The homework for next Monday is the following:

Go to a link I posted under reading comprehension, is called Recession, read the article and infer the meaning of the following words and phrases:

1. cold feet
2. ditching
3. dumped
4. deals
5. forgo
6. purchases
7. escalated
8. handling charge

Post your answers under this message. Don't use a dictionary! Analize the sentence where the word or phrase is presented and try to get the meaning on your own.

See you on Monday in the lab and have a great weekend!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Great to see you here!

Hi guys,

I just read all of your comments and it is very nice to see that most of you have, at least, entered the blog. That's a good start!

I'd also want to tell you about the homework for next Thursday. This is what you have to do:

-Enter the site of National Public Radio (it is under the heading of Listening comprehension).
-Go to the bottom of the page; look for the program Weekend Edition Sunday and click there.
-Click on the program Taking the Great American Road Trip, Google-Style. Listen to it and answer the following questions:

1. How are the two men taking their trip?
2. Where did they start their trip and where is it ending?
3. What have they done so far?
4. Have other people travelled with them?
5. Do they have plans of continuing the trip after reaching their destination?
6. Would you join their trip? Why? Why not?

Bring your answers to class on Thursday, we'll check them and talk about the listening text.

See you tomorrow!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Welcome to our blog

Hi guys,

This will be our class' blog. Here you will find extra activities and links that will help you practice your English outside the class. Remember that we only meet 3 times a week, so you need as many opportunities as possible to practice apart from the class!

Some of the activities in the blog will be mandatory. I will let you know what you have to do when the moment comes. However, try to exploit it as much as possible, I'm pretty sure that you will find at least one interesting site to visit.

One more thing, I posted a poll about your preferences in the English class. Please answer it and feel free to post any additional activities that you like or would like to have in class. You can post your comment under this message.

I hope you enjoy this space and welcome to fifth level!!!
